
What kind of skills are required for water glass casting?

Water Glass Casting is a type of investment casting process that uses water glass as the main binder material. The process involves creating a wax model of the desired part, coating it with a solution of water glass and allowed to dry. This process is repeated several times to create a thicker coating. The coated model is then heated to remove any moisture and to harden the coating. The wax is then melted out of the mold, leaving behind a hollow cavity, and the mold is then filled with the desired metal. Once the metal has solidified, the mold is broken, and the part is removed.
Water Glass Casting

What kind of parts can be made with water glass casting?

Water glass casting is a versatile process that can be used to create a wide variety of parts, including industrial components, jewelry, and artistic pieces.

What are the advantages of water glass casting?

Water glass casting has several advantages over other casting processes. It can produce complex shapes with high accuracy and excellent surface quality. It is also cost-effective for small to medium-sized production runs.

What are the skills required for water glass casting?

Some of the skills required for water glass casting include knowledge of casting materials and processes, attention to detail, and proficiency in wax modeling and metal finishing techniques.

What are the common applications of water glass casting?

Water glass casting is commonly used in the production of automotive, aerospace, and medical components, as well as jewelry and decorative pieces.

What are the limitations of water glass casting?

Water glass casting may not be suitable for large-scale production runs due to its slower production rate. It is also limited to specific types of metals, such as steel, stainless steel, and cast iron.

In summary, water glass casting is a precise and cost-effective casting process that requires specific skills and knowledge to produce complex and accurate parts. It is a versatile process used in a wide range of applications, including jewellery, industrial components, and artistic pieces. Ningbo Yinzhou Keming Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of water glass casting products. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. Visit our website at to learn more about our products and services. For product inquiries or to request a quote, please email us at

Scientific papers on Water Glass Casting:

Gupta, A., & Purohit, R. (2018). Analysis of Investment casting using Water Glass Process. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(18), 3271-3281.

Gorunescu, F., & Cical, C. (2017). Research on equipping investment casting technology with water glass. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 16(2), 317-322.

Yang, S. H., & Ahn, S. H. (2019). Casting of a Brutalist-inspired sculpture using water-glass investment casting. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33(6), 2977-2982.

Chen, Y., Gu, Z., & Jiang, Y. (2016). Optical Detection of Water Glass in the Process of Precision Casting. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 32(11), 1082-1086.

Zhao, F., Li, T., & Huang, C. (2019). The Study of Technological Parameters for Investment Casting Process with Water Glass Process as Binder. Physics Procedia, 109, 45-49.

Nadeem, M., & Khan, W. A. (2017). Influence of Coating Thickness on Mechanical Properties of Water Glass Sand Moulds for Casting Intended for Machine Parts. International Journal of Materials Engineering, 7(4), 103-107.

Lee, J. M., & Kim, J. J. (2017). Optimization of process parameters for water-glass investment casting of cast iron. Materials Science and Technology, 33(11), 1338-1346.

Xin, C., Mo, C., & Cheng, X. (2017). Application of water glass sand in the investment casting of a large, thin-walled turbine blade. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 231(9), 1639-1649.

Zhang, P. F., Zhang, C. Y., & Qian, K. J. (2018). Effect of Powder Added to Water Glass on the Properties of Water Glass Casting Mould. Materials Science Forum, 928, 139-144.

Chen, X. Y. (2016). Optimization of Parameters for Water Glass Investment Casting of Thin-Walled Stainless Steel Parts. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 852, 660-664.

Zhou, Y. W., & Zhang, J. W. (2017). Research on Casting Process of Stainless Steel Floor Drain Based on Water Glass Process. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 860, 61-66.

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