
What are some common defects in Shell Mold Sand Casting?

Shell Mold Sand Casting is a metal casting process that uses resin-coated sand to create molds. The technique was first developed in the mid-20th century and is commonly used today for a variety of industrial applications. This process involves making a mold by placing a pattern in sand that has been coated with a thin layer of thermosetting resin. The mold is then heated, which causes the resin to harden and create a shell. Once the shell has cooled, the pattern is removed, and the mold is ready for casting. The following are some common defects in Shell Mold Sand Casting.

1. Swell

Swell is one of the most common defects in Shell Mold Sand Casting. It occurs when the mold expands during casting due to the high temperatures. This can result in a casting that is larger than the intended size. Swell can be reduced by using a lower pouring temperature or adjusting the sand composition.

2. Shrinkage

Shrinkage is another common defect that occurs when the metal casting cools and contracts more than the mold. Shrinkage can cause cavities and voids in the casting, which can weaken its structure. Shrinkage can be minimized by adjusting the pouring temperature and the gating system.

3. Porosity

Porosity is a casting defect caused by the presence of air pockets or voids in the casting. These voids can weaken the casting and make it more susceptible to cracking. Porosity can be reduced by increasing the mold permeability, using a mold coating, and improving the gating system design.

4. Cold Shut

Cold shut occurs when two streams of metal meet in the mold and fail to fuse properly. This can result in a seam or line in the casting, which can weaken the structure. Cold shut can be prevented by improving the gating system design and using a higher pouring temperature.

5. Misruns

Misruns occur when the casting fails to fill completely, resulting in an incomplete casting. Misruns can be caused by inadequate gating, low pouring temperature, or an incorrect sand composition. Misruns can be prevented by improving the gating system design and increasing the pouring temperature. Overall, Shell Mold Sand Casting is a useful metal casting technique that can produce high-quality castings. However, it is essential to understand and address the common defects that can occur during the process to ensure optimal results. Ningbo Yinzhou Keming Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a company that specializes in Shell Mold Sand Casting and other metal casting techniques. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, KM cast has a reputation for providing high-quality and reliable castings for a variety of industrial applications. If you are interested in learning more about KM cast and our services, please visit our website at For any inquiries, please contact us at


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